
performed at Rockaway Beach

approx 20 minutes

    • biodegradable skin-safe paint

    • a natural body of water

    • bluetooth headphones or object of physical compulsion

  • The artist coats their semi-nude body in red paint as a representation of their epidermis. Attached to them is their headphones - an object of compulsive attachment that prevents them from experiencing the world around them.

    Their headphones act as a mode of protection and entertainment - dancing and celebrating the detachment from reality.

    As the music ends, they enter the ocean still wearing their headphones. They wash their body to shed their old identity and attachment to the world. In an attempt to protect their attachment (headphones), they are unable to fully release their old layer of identity.

    They exit the bath, finally removing their attachment and dancing to the sounds of nature and the world around them to exhaustion. Coating themselves in sand, they move on with a new top-layer of identity while holding the identity of their past.

rock away

rock away