Unfold: Personal Intensive
Unfold is a personalized flexibility program that incorporates virtual privates, customized flexibility training plans, and journal prompts to explore the impact of your internal environment on your movement and accessibility. This is an open-level program with the options of training front splits, middle splits, and backbends.
This is for anyone looking for long-term improvement in their strength and flexibility, investigating their emotions around training independently, as well as growing their understanding of mobility and training safely.
Mind + body awareness through active stretching and reflection
An established, effective, weekly training routine that works for you’re individual needs + lifestyle
Longterm results through gradual load increase + realistic commitment times
What you get:
A personalized training program tailored regularly to your goals and lifestyle (yours forever)
Progress check-ins + session feedback
Journal prompts for reflection + notetaking for every session
Monthly privates to review and learn the program exercises
Unfold is a 3-month commitment. I offer a 15-minute phone/virtual consultation to discuss if this is the right program for you.